Monday, July 26, 2021

Send SMS using TWILIO from Logic APP with HTTP trigger

As I have mentioned in earlier blogs that we get many connectors which we can use in integration. There are some other thirds party services we can use in Azure Logic APP. In this blog we are going to integrate a very popular SMS service, which is Twilio. Twilio provides SMS, WhatsApp, voice calls etc. services. You can more details of Twilio services and its integration in its website


We are going to create a Logic APP which will call Twilio connector and send an SMS to the user (at the moment in my mobile obviously)


TWILIO Account:

We can create Twilio account for free trial, where it gives you around $15 credit to use different services, there are some restriction like, it comes with Twilio logo and you can not choose your desired number. But for testing purpose, it provides more than enough what we need. So, lets create an account and enable our SMS service from the Twilio Developer Console.


·       Sign up Trial account

·       Verify your account with registered email ID

·       After processing the basic sign up process we should be able to logic in Twilio Console



·       You can see you get some free $$ credit to play with its services

·       In next step you have to choose a trial phone number, in free service you can only choose USA or Canada number. So, click on “Get a trial phone Number


·       You will be redirected to below screen, where you can choose the provided number or try to find different number if you don’t like the current one. I am choosing the provided one.

·       After clicking the “Choose this Number”, you will get the greeting message


·       Now we have to enable the SMS service on this number, so click on the “Get Set Up” link on your left-hand side in “Messaging” menu bar


·       Once you enable the SMS service, you should be getting Greeting message, which means, we are good to go.

Azure Logic APP:

We have set up our Twilio account and now start creating a Logic APP and from this app we will call Twilio connector in order to send SMS.

·       Create a Logic APP and give a desired name, I am giving “send-sms-twilio” name.

      ·       Click review and create and choose HTTP as request trigger

·       Provide the HTTP request payload schema. I am generating it with the JSON example



·       Provide HTTP method as “POST


·       Click on “New Step” and search “Twilio” connector in search bar


·       Click on Twilio



·       Choose “Send Text Message (SMS)” as an action, you should be able to see below screen where we have to provide Account ID, Access Token and connection name.


·       Account ID and Access token, you should get it from Twilio Developer console. Use these details here.

·       Click on “Create” button. If all the details are fine, then your connection should be created successfully.


·       You can also see the Twilio Number from the dropdown, the one we registered while creating Twilio account.



·       Choose the phone number from the drop down in “From Phone Number” section

·       Provide dynamic values from the window in “To Phone Number” and “Text” textbox.

      ·       Add the “Response” connector to send the response back to consumer as mentioned below


·       Provide the content with dynamic variable same be below screenshot



·       As soon as you save the Logic APP, you should be getting the HTTP URL from the HTTP connector


·       Try this URL with you favorite API testing tool, I am using POSTMAN here. Provide proper values in your request name make sure you also provide a valid phone number for example

+<Countrycode>+<Phone_Number> (+64222XXXXX), so that you can receive the text and verify.

   "Name":"Shri ",
   "Message":" This is the test message triggered by Azure Logic APP using Twilio Service ",

·       Click on send and you should get the Success dynamic message ending with your name and also you should be receiving the Text message “This is the test message triggered by Azure Logic APP using Twilio Service” on your mobile

·       To check the log, please go to Run History to see the parameter and flow.


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